One day I’ll miss all of the things I take for granted.
There isn’t a day that goes by where I don’t lose sight of what I am actually living for. Sure, my life is full of goals big and small, but it doesn’t take long for me to lose aight of them—even if I just came up with them.
One of my very old goals that I wrote down years ago was that I would keep writing to each and every one of you as much as I thought I ought, and to the best of my ability. And, I think I’ve done that. Sometimes I waver when life gets busy, but I do my best to write out words that will encourage all of you because that’s one of the amazing callings or vocations that God has given to me; and I try to not take it for granted.
It isn’t obvious what we are to do with our lives. We are told to earn a decent living, have a family, a house with a nice yard, maybe a golden retriever. The list of things that the world tries to convince us to glorify is lengthy to say the least. Amidst all of the craziness, we often forsake just how amazing our God is and how He meets us right where we are every single moment of every single day.
Like a weary traveler braving a winter night, only those that feel the coldness of this world every once in a while can truly appreciate a good coat. While most remain in their homes during the cold, dreary months of the year, there are a few that are willing to risk their own comfort if it means going where they believe God wants them to go.
The truth is that we all forget that we don’t always have to be afraid of cold weather. We forget that the problems of our world are only bigger than our God if we allow them to be. Because of Jesus, we can wear a coat that marks us as righteous. The weather outside might still be cold, and we might forget to put on our coats when we are in a hurry, yet the coat is always hanging right by the door.
It is my hope that you choose to let your goals glorify God. No matter how hard you work, you can’t outwork Him. Whatever you have was given to you by Him in the first place. You are right where you are because that is where He decided you needed to be. Though your life may feel like a train wreck, perhaps it is a train wreck that will glorify Him.
Like Jacob limping his way through the desert after wrestling with God, may you choose to limp onward into the unknown where God has called you. After all, it’s only unknown to you. The good news for you today is that because of Jesus every story is given a good ending. Most stop reading the book before they ever get close to the end.
Make sure you grab your coat before you decide to keep reading out in the cold. The best tailor that has ever lived made it just for you. Word on the street is that He likes eating fish by a fire.