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One of the great mysteries of life, in my estimation, is why so many bad things plague the world. It is easy to look around and wonder what we are even trudging our heavy feet towards.
Yet as I was on a hike this past weekend, I noticed something peculiar. The stream that meandered along the path was full of murky water that glistened in the light.
It was in that moment that I realized that all of our lives are just like the murky water. Upon one’s first glance, our lives might not look that great. They are full of mishaps, failures, regrets. But that is all below what is so obviously occurring on the surface. The light of the world is always shining from above, casting His light all over the world—in spite of the darkness that we harbor just below the surface.
And while the dirt that fills the streams of this world is impossible to get rid of, it is perhaps the casting of the light from above into the world beyond the stream that gives the stream its purpose.
Love this!!!